Private Seán Rooney's body expected to be repatriated home this weekend

Bulsha:- It comes as an Irish Defence Forces team is being sent over to Lebanon to investigate.

It's believed the body of Private Seán Rooney could be repatriated back to Ireland from Lebanon as soon as tonight. 

The 24-year-old soldier from Dundalk was shot dead while serving with the 121st Infantry Battalion on a UN peacekeeping mission on Wednesday night.

The armoured vehicle he was travelling in was shot at near Sidon, around 30 miles south of Beirut.

It's also expected that Private Shane Kearney (22) from Cork, who was critically injured in the incident, could also be flown home tonight.

While two other soldiers who travelling in the vehicle and suffered minor injuries are believed to have returned home last night. 

The Defence Forces are sending an eight-member multidisciplinary team to Lebanon to assist in an investigation into Private Rooney's death. 

This Critical Incident Response Team is travelling to join members of the 121st Battalion in Lebanon. 

Four of these are Personnel Support Services, who will provide counselling to those deployed for the mission. 

Three military police investigators and a legal officer will complete the emergency personnel being sent overseas. 

It's one of three investigations into the incident, with the UN and Lebanese authorities also inquiring into the tragic circumstances. 

Seán's best friend, Christopher O’Neill, says he was like brother, and everyone has been left heartbroken: 

A series of investigations are being undertaken into the incident which saw Private Rooney killed.

Four Irish soldiers who were travelling in a second vehicle escaped injury. 

Lebanon's caretaker prime minister Najib Mikati said on Friday that those responsible for the killing "will be punished."

The Iranian-backed armed group in the region, Hezbollah, have insisted they're not responsible - an assurance which Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Coveney has said he does not accept. 

Private Rooney's family are in 'total shock and grieving deeply' following his death. 

Tributes have poured in the days since, including President Michael D. Higgins describing how he learned of the death with 'deepest sorrow'. 

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