Doodishe suddenly spoke about the GEDO issue

Bulsha:-  The Minister of Internal Security of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh Ali (Doudishe), who gave a special interview to SMS Somali TV, spoke for the first time about the crisis in Gedo region.

The debater suddenly spoke about the Gedo issue, clarifying his position on the ongoing tension in the region between the Gedo people and Ahmed Madobe.

The minister first revealed that the Gedo issue is not new, but it has been going on for a long time, which is still a problem.

"The tension in Gedo region is not new. It has been dragging on for a while. Jubbaland has started its construction and there are loads coming all the time," he said.

He also pointed out that this tension is based on the construction of Jubbaland, noting that the reason is the last election of Ahmed Madobe.

Minister Doodishe has clearly stated that he supports the Gedo people, and at the same time he wants them, as he said in the interview he gave.

"Gedo region is being fought, and it is being fought because of elections. As in 2019, he was standing outside, he will be standing outside until the election happens and Ahmed Madobe will leave, but before I go, I will not tell the people, what do you want? I know. what they want, what they want is what we want." he said again in this interview the minister of internal affairs of the government of Somalia.

He also opposed the new administration appointed by Ahmed Madobe in Gedo region, saying that he has fueled the tension, as soon as an attack took place in the town of Garbahaarey, which was carried out in the house of Ugas, who is famous in Gedo.

Finally, he responded to President Saeed Deni who spoke on Thursday about the issue of Gedo region, including his speech to the Puntland parliament.

"Yesterday, DF supported Gedo and helped Jubbaland and the President of the Federal Government challenged the Gedo issue," he concluded.

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